Friday, October 12, 2012

Extra Audition Packets

Mrs. T & Ms. G have extra audition packets if anyone needs them!  Tell your friends!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Audition Music Practice Tracks Are All Up!

Check under the "Rehearsal Aides" tab.  Good luck!
Let me know if something seems off or is not working.   ~Mrs. Tidwell

Monday, October 8, 2012

Calendar, audition rehearsal tracks, pics!

Check out the tabs!  Rehearsal tracks are starting to be posted!

Once Upon A Mattress!!!!!!!!!!

It was really awesome to see so many students at our meeting last week - and we know not everyone could be there, so thanks for getting extra packets for your friends.  Starting this week, you will be able to check under the different tabs at the top of the page for more info and helpful links.  I will be starting to post audition rehearsal tracks as I get them done.

Also, thanks to those of you who came out to the choir room to watch the movie version of the musical.  It was fun hanging out with you guys!  You ate so much popcorn that my old microwave bit the dust!  :-)

If anyone still needs a packet, please see me (Mrs. Tidwell) in the choir room or Mrs. Geoghegan in the drama room.

Please tell your friends and parents who couldn't be there that they can access this blog for rehearsal aides, information, and can feel free to post questions as well.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome to our blog!

You can check here for schedules, announcements, updates, pictures, reminders, rehearsal tracks, etc...!!!