Monday, December 15, 2014


Come find out important info about the all-school musical, Fiddler On the Roof.
The meeting will be Wed, Dec 17, 2015 right after school in the MJT.

We'll be giving out audition packets with the required audition materials inside, and we'll be answering questions.

Nobody is turned away!  You can't "fail" an audition!  Just sign up and be ready to work and you're in!  If you are interested in a lead part, there are things in the packet you'll have to prepare.  If you just want to be in the chorus, you don't have much to prepare - and at auditions, just show up and be ready to sing a little in a group.

See you Wednesday at the meeting!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

2014-2015 All-School Musical: Fiddler On the Roof

Here are the first important things you need to know about being a part of this production:

  • All SHS students who meet the Code of Conduct eligibility guidelines for activities are welcome to participate.  The biggies: Have at least a 2.0 GPA and no F's.
  • If you meet the above requirements, all you have to do is come to auditions and to rehearsals and work hard and YOU ARE IN.  We don't turn anyone away who wants to learn and work.  This is an All-School show.  There WILL be a place for you, whether it's performing or working on crew or doing advertising or whatever!
  • Musicals are BIG time commitments.  You won't have to be there every single day (until we are close to the show, then yes!).  But you will have a variable schedule that will take place mostly between 3:15pm and 5:30pm.  You will have to be flexible and good at managing your time.  You will have the production schedule before auditions so you can get your life together!
  • Auditions are February 10 and 11 in the MJT after school.  There will be an info meeting right after December break where you will hear more details and you'll get an audition packet and production schedule.  We will be asking you to prepare certain things for certain parts.  If you just want to be in the chorus, all you have to do is learn one song and sing it as part of a group. Remember, nobody is turned away.
  • The show is May 14,15,16 with strike on the 17th/18th.
  • You can always post questions here as a comment and Mrs. Tidwell will get back to you ASAP!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Please come to the theater right after school (about 2:10-ish) on Thursday, September 25 to hear what the school musical will be!  After the announcement and a Q&A session, we will be showing the movie version of the musical in case you are not familiar with it.  Bring snacks and drinks that you absolutely will NOT spill!

It has been SO awesome to see so many of you get excited about the show!

Clues Mrs. Tidwell and Mrs. Geoghegan have let slip:
1. It's a classic, well-known show.
2. We will be looking for big, rich voices for the lead parts.

Please spread the word!  This is the all-school musical - so anyone at Sentinel can audition!  You don't have to have any experience, just be willing to work hard and have fun.

Auditions will be after school on February 10 and 11.  Probably crew sign-up stuff will be done first on Tuesday so that Spartanaires has a chance to finish practice.  We will have another meeting when semester 2 starts where you'll get a packet of audition materials, a schedule, and other important papers.

The show dates are May 14-16, 2015.
Ms. Geoghegan is the Director and Mrs. Tidwell is the Music Director.  Other positions TBA.
See you soon!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

2014-2015. It's another musical year!!!

Hey everyone!  We will indeed be having another all-school musical this year!!!!!
Ms. Geoghegen and I are very close to being ready to announce what it will be.  In fact, we KNOW what it will be - we are just doing some final organizing.  This is the resource blog for our musicals, so you can check here for easy access to everything you'll need to know.
For now - put it in your calendars!!
AUDITIONS:  February 10 & 11
SHOW:  May 14, 15, 16