Thursday, March 21, 2013

Opening Night is finally here!

Tonight, Friday, and Saturday all have 7:30pm shows.  Tickets are $8.00.
There is also a Saturday matinee at 1:30pm.  Tickets are $6.00.

Please come out and support the choir and drama programs!
We have a lot of bills to pay before we can turn a profit!

See you at the Margaret Johnson Theater!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Week Six Schedule

And check the Rehearsal Aides tab - all remaining practice tracks are up!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Act II Practice Tracks

Check the Rehearsal Aides tab.  Act II practice tracks are almost all up!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Please check the Production Schedule tab!

Main character songs from this week's rehearsal should be memorized quickly!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Practice tracks!

Practice tracks are up for Scenes 1 through 4.  Please take a look - there's something, somewhere in there that everyone will have to learn.  If you don't work on these before their rehearsals, we are going to run out of time!  STUDY YOUR MUSIC!!!  Mrs. T is working really hard to help you....   take advantage of the tracks!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Schedule for 2/4-2/9(Sat)

Monday - BEGIN ACT 1

Blocking - MJT
3:15-5:00 - Block Act 1 - Prologue through Scene 3.  ALL CAST.
For choreography coordination later, in Sc8 Tidwell needs Bailey to be "Luce's Girl" and Tori to be "Studley's Girl".
(Rachel H. - please sing with Ladies when you're not the Nightingale).
(No Tidwell.  If you are in Sparties, come to musical rehearsal - other Sparties will rehearse in choir room).


Crew - 201
3:15-4:15 - Tech meeting.
Blocking - MJT
4:15-6:15 - 
Sc8 (Jester, Luce + his lady, Harry, Mabelle, Studley + his lady). Come to choir room immediately when done.
Sc6 (Queen, Harold, Beatrice). Harold & Beatrice start in MJT then come to choir room immediately when done.
Sc4 (Queen, Wizard).  Ms. G will help you block Sensitivity if you learned this song on your own.
Music - CR
4:15-5:30 - Sc1/M3 - Opening for A Princess (Dauntless, Larken, Minstrel, Jester, All other K&L).  No Harry.  Lots of choreography to get done.  Learn this song beforehand!!!!!!!
5:30-6:00 - Sc1/M4 - In A Little While.    Sc2/M5 - In A Little While (Reprise).   Sc5/M9 - Fight, Fight. (These three songs are all Harry & Larken).


Blocking - MJT
3:15-4:00 - Run Prologue through Sc3.(ALL CAST except Winnifred.)
4:00-5:30 - Sc9. (Queen, Winnifred, Dauntless).
Music - CR
3:15-4:00 - Sc3/M6 - Shy (Winnifred)
4:00-4:30 - Prologue/M2 - Many Moons Ago. (Minstrel)
4:30-5:30 - Sc3/M6b - The Minstrel, The Jester, and I (Minstrel, Jester, King)

Music/Choreography -MJT w/Tidwell
2:15-3:15 - M6 - Shy - (Winnifred + Knights & Ladies)
Choreography - MJT w/Tidwell
3:15-4:30 - Sc1/M3 - Opening for A Princess.(Dauntless, Larken, Minstrel, Jester, ALL other K&L). No Harry.
Music - MJT w/Tidwell
4:30-5:30 - Sc4/M7 - Sensitivity (Queen, Wizard).


 Run-through - MJT
3:15-6:00 - Act 1 - Prologue through Sc4.  (ALL CAST).

Music & Choreography - MJT w/Tidwell
10:00am-12:00pm - Prologue through Sc4 - Music/Choreo only.  ALL CAST.
12:00pm-12:30pm - Lunch - No leaving.  Bring your lunch.
12:30-1:30 - Run Prologue through Sc4 with dialogue and music.

Scene 1 Rehearsal Tracks are up!

Check under the Rehearsal Aides tab.
If something doesn't work, post here and let me know.
Also- if you need something that I didn't cover, ask me and I'll make it.

~Mrs. T