Friday, February 1, 2013

Schedule for 2/4-2/9(Sat)

Monday - BEGIN ACT 1

Blocking - MJT
3:15-5:00 - Block Act 1 - Prologue through Scene 3.  ALL CAST.
For choreography coordination later, in Sc8 Tidwell needs Bailey to be "Luce's Girl" and Tori to be "Studley's Girl".
(Rachel H. - please sing with Ladies when you're not the Nightingale).
(No Tidwell.  If you are in Sparties, come to musical rehearsal - other Sparties will rehearse in choir room).


Crew - 201
3:15-4:15 - Tech meeting.
Blocking - MJT
4:15-6:15 - 
Sc8 (Jester, Luce + his lady, Harry, Mabelle, Studley + his lady). Come to choir room immediately when done.
Sc6 (Queen, Harold, Beatrice). Harold & Beatrice start in MJT then come to choir room immediately when done.
Sc4 (Queen, Wizard).  Ms. G will help you block Sensitivity if you learned this song on your own.
Music - CR
4:15-5:30 - Sc1/M3 - Opening for A Princess (Dauntless, Larken, Minstrel, Jester, All other K&L).  No Harry.  Lots of choreography to get done.  Learn this song beforehand!!!!!!!
5:30-6:00 - Sc1/M4 - In A Little While.    Sc2/M5 - In A Little While (Reprise).   Sc5/M9 - Fight, Fight. (These three songs are all Harry & Larken).


Blocking - MJT
3:15-4:00 - Run Prologue through Sc3.(ALL CAST except Winnifred.)
4:00-5:30 - Sc9. (Queen, Winnifred, Dauntless).
Music - CR
3:15-4:00 - Sc3/M6 - Shy (Winnifred)
4:00-4:30 - Prologue/M2 - Many Moons Ago. (Minstrel)
4:30-5:30 - Sc3/M6b - The Minstrel, The Jester, and I (Minstrel, Jester, King)

Music/Choreography -MJT w/Tidwell
2:15-3:15 - M6 - Shy - (Winnifred + Knights & Ladies)
Choreography - MJT w/Tidwell
3:15-4:30 - Sc1/M3 - Opening for A Princess.(Dauntless, Larken, Minstrel, Jester, ALL other K&L). No Harry.
Music - MJT w/Tidwell
4:30-5:30 - Sc4/M7 - Sensitivity (Queen, Wizard).


 Run-through - MJT
3:15-6:00 - Act 1 - Prologue through Sc4.  (ALL CAST).

Music & Choreography - MJT w/Tidwell
10:00am-12:00pm - Prologue through Sc4 - Music/Choreo only.  ALL CAST.
12:00pm-12:30pm - Lunch - No leaving.  Bring your lunch.
12:30-1:30 - Run Prologue through Sc4 with dialogue and music.

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